The binding of selenoprotein P to glycosaminoglycans using heparin as a mod
el compound was studied by surface plasmon resonance. It was found that hep
arin contains two binding sites for selenoprotein P, a high-affinity, low-c
apacity site (K-d similar to 1 nM) and a low-affinity, high-capacity site (
K-d similar to 140 nM). Binding at both sites is sensitive to pH and ionic
strength, and the high-affinity site is abolished by histidine carbethoxyla
tion with diethylpyrocarbonate. The pH and salt dependence of binding sugge
sts electrostatic interactions with heparin. The concentrations of selenopr
otein P in plasma (similar to 50 nM) are sufficiently high to facilitate bi
nding of selenoprotein P to proteoglycans on the vascular endothelium, and
this may contribute to the formation of a protective barrier against oxidan
ts such as peroxynitrite or hydroperoxides.