Threshold color difference ellipses, as represented by the MacAdam ellipses
have been compared to unit contours implicit in the CIE94 color difference
formula, found to represent small supra-threshold color differences well,
both in the CIE chromaticity diagram as well as the a*, b* diagram. The res
ults indicate that the two types of contours are significantly different. W
hile threshold differences are well described by incremented changes in con
e sensitivity supra-threshold differences are well-described by increments
in the opponent color parameters a*, and b*. A comparison of the hue angles
in the a*, b* diagram of the MacAdam ellipses and the CIE94 contours for t
he same 25 colors indicates no correlation (correlation coefficient -0.1).
The conclusion is that threshold and supra-threshold color difference perce
ption operates at different levels in the color vision system.