The HDL receptor scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI), which mediates
selective HDL cholesterol uptake, plays a role in murine HDL metabolism, re
verse cholesterol transport and whole-body cholesterol homeostasis. SR-BI i
s found in the liver, where its expression is regulated by estrogen, dietar
y cholesterol and fat, and controls murine plasma HDL cholesterol levels an
d bile cholesterol secretion. SR-BI is also highly expressed in rodent ster
oidogenic cells, where it facilitates cholesterol uptake for storage or ste
roid hormone synthesis and where its expression is regulated by trophic hor
mones. The detailed mechanism(s) underlying SR-BI-mediated selective choles
terol uptake have not yet been elucidated. Further analysis of the molecula
r and cellular bases of SR-BI regulation and function should provide new in
sights into the physiology and pathophysiology of cholesterol metabolism. C
urr Opin Lipidol 11:123-131. (C) 2000 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.