Chromosome translocations involving one donor chromosome and multiple recip
ient chromosomes have been referred to as jumping translocations (JTs). Acq
uired JTs are commonly observed in cancer patients, mainly involving chromo
some 1. Constitutional forms of JTs mostly involve the acrocentric chromoso
mes and their satellites and have been reported in patients with clinical a
bnormalities. Recognizable phenotypes resulting from these events have incl
uded Down, Prader-Willi, and DiGeorge syndromes. The presence of JTs in spo
ntaneous abortions has not been previously described. The breakpoints of al
l JTs occur in areas rich in repetitive DNA (telomeric, centromeric, and nu
cleolus organizing regions). We report two different unstable chromosome re
arrangements in samples derived from spontaneous abortions. The first case
involved a chromosome 15 donor. The recipient chromosomes were 1, 9, 15, an
d 21, and the respective breakpoints were in either the heterochromatic reg
ions or the centromeres. FISH studies confirmed that the breakpoints of the
jumping 15 rearrangement did not involve the Prader-Willi region but origi
nated at the centromere or in the proximal short arm. A second case of inst
ability was observed with a rearrangement resulting from a presumed de novo
8;21 translocation. Three JT cell lines were observed. They consisted of a
deleted 8p chromosome, a dicentric 8;21 translocation, and an 80q isochrom
osome. The instability regions appeared to be at the pericentromeric region
of chromosome 8 and the satellite region of chromosome 21. Both cases prov
ed to be de novo events. The unstable nature of the JT resulting in chromos
omal imbalance most likely contributed to the fetal loss. It appears that J
T events may predispose to chromosomal imbalance via nondisjunction and chr
omosomal rearrangement and, therefore, may be an unrecognized cause of feta
l loss. Copyrght (C) 2000 S.Karger AG, Basel.