Dietary copper deficiency significantly attenuates nitric oxide (NO)-mediat
ed vascular smooth muscle relaxation and Vasodilation. There is evidence fo
r both increased inactivation of the NO radical by superoxide anion, and ox
idative damage to the endothelium where NO is produced. The current study w
as designed to examine the NO synthetic pathway in the endothelium during c
opper deficiency, Male weanling rats were fed a copper-adequate (CuA, 6.4 m
g Cu/kg diet) or copper-deficient (CuD, 0.4 mg Cu/kg diet) diet for four we
eks. Cremasteric arterioles (similar to 100 mu m diameter) were isolated an
d used for the experiments. Western blot analysis of the arteriole endothel
ial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) concentration did not show a difference be
tween dietary groups, Acetylcholine (Ach)-induced vasodilation was signific
antly reduced in the CuD group both before and after pretreatment with the
eNOS substrate L-arginine. Endothelial intracellular calcium ([Ca2+](i)) st
imulated by 10(-6)M Ach was significantly inhibited in the arterioles from
CuD rats. Coincident with the inhibition of [Ca2+](i) and vasodilation was
a depression of vascular Cu/Zn-SOD activity and an increase in plasma perox
ynitrite activity. These data suggest that endothelial Ca2+ signaling and a
gonist-stimulated NO-mediated vascular dilation are likely reduced by incre
ased oxidative damage in copper-deficient rats.