Nine patients with laryngeal polyps, four with Reinke's edema, three with l
eukoplakia, one with papilloma and one with malignant tumor were studied by
means of laryngeal contact endoscopy during microlaryngoscopy. This techni
que allowed in vivo and in situ visualization of the superficial layer of t
he laryngeal epithelium after staining with methylene blue. Cell structures
evaluated were the size and color of the nuclei, the nucleus/cytoplasm rat
io, nuclear and cytoplasmic contours, the presence of nucleoli mitoses and
keratoses, as well as the microvascular network of the mucosa and superfici
al cellular changes from normal to pathological. The normal squamous epithe
lium of the vocal cord showed a homogeneous cellular population with regula
r nuclear and cytoplasmic morphological characteristics and a uniform nucle
us-to-cytolasm ratio. Specific cellular epithelial patterns and several alt
erations of the vascular distribution were found in different pathological
conditions. Cytological pictures obtained at contact endoscopy were consist
ent with histological findings in all the patients studied.