TOSCA is a novel inelastic spectrometer operating on the pulsed neutron sou
rce ISIS (UK). It covers a wide momentum and energy range, even though its
kinematic region is close to a line in the (k, E) plane. Its use is mainly
intended for vibrational spectroscopy. However, taking advantage of its goo
d resolving power, we have carried out a test experiment aimed to use this
instrument to measure the centre of mass kinetic energy of molecular hydrog
en. The experiment was successful and we have obtained the translational ki
netic energy of liquid and solid para-hydrogen improving the overall accura
cy by almost an order of magnitude with respect to previous determinations.
The data are compared with the results of a Path Integral Monte-Carlo simu
lations with almost perfect agreement. We have demonstrated that TOSCA can
be used for measuring the translational kinetic energy of small molecular s
ystems, taking advantage of the intrinsic incoherence that is introduced in
the scattering process by the intra-molecular transitions.