Commercially available immune assays are being used with increasing frequen
cy in the study of lung inflammation. However, their performance in complex
biological fluids is rarely assessed, The authors wished to assess their r
eliability to determine whether the results obtained in sputum samples can
be easily interpreted.
The reproducibility of several such assays was therefore determined togethe
r with their ability to recover known amounts of pure reagent. Sputum sol p
hase was obtained from several patients with chronic lung disease and used
together with the reagents in a series of "spiking" and dilutional experime
Results confirmed that the enzyme assay for myeloperoridase and the immune
assays for interleukin-8, leukotriene B-4 and secretory leukoproteinase inh
ibitor were all reproducible (intra-assay coefficient of variation 3.8-7.7%
). Furthermore, each of these assays gave >85% recovery of a "spike" with p
ure reagent. However, the immune assay for myeloperoxidase (although reprod
ucible) gave poor recovery and was dependent on the degree of sample diluti
on and elastase content.
These studies confirm that the reliabilities of fluid phase measurements sh
ould be assessed before being widely applied to complex biological samples.