Analyses of sonic logs in a horizontal well provide new information about m
echanical properties of rocks, made possible by recent developments in our
understanding of acoustic wave propagation in prestressed formations. Most
sections of this horizontal well exhibit azimuthal shear isotropy, indicati
ng isotropic stresses in the plane perpendicular to the well trajectory, le
ading to stable wellbore conditions. However, two sections show dipole disp
ersion crossovers that confirm the presence of stress-induced shear anisotr
opy caused by a difference between the maximum and minimum stresses in the
plane perpendicular to the well trajectory. The two dipole dispersions are
obtained by processing the recorded waveforms by a modified matrix pencil a
lgorithm. The fast-shear direction is estimated from Alford rotation of the
cross-dipole waveforms. One section of the well exhibits the fast-shear di
rection parallel to the overburden stress as the maximum stress direction,
whereas the other section has the fast-shear direction parallel to the hori
zontal stress that is larger than the overburden stress. The cause of this
change in the fast-shear direction is believed to be the well's penetration
into a 3-ft-thick bed with lower porosity and permeability and significant
ly higher elastic stiffnesses than those in the other part of the homogeneo
us, high-permeability reservoir. A stiff bed is likely to have greater stre
sses in its plane than perpendicular to it, which would make the horizontal
stresses greater than the vertical.