It is well known that lightning discharges follow a tortuous path; therefor
e, a general technique able to evaluate the electromagnetic (EM) fields ass
ociated to discharge currents flowing into tortuous channels seems to be wo
rthy of consideration. Two techniques have been adopted to find the EM fiel
d generated by a current pulse traveling along a single line radiator with
arbitrary slope and location above the ground. The first one employs the Fr
aunhofer approximation, which can provide useful information only on distan
t radiated fields. The second technique is exact, but applies only to the c
ase of a velocity of propagation v of the current pulse equal to c (velocit
y of light). Even this solution is indeed inadequate for our purposes since
v < c, as evidenced in the literature. In this paper, we will evaluate the
EM field associated to an arbitrarily oriented radiator without making any
mathematical approximation in order to obtain closed-form solutions for th
e fields. A schematic square-pulse representation of the current and charge
distributions along the discharge channels will be adopted. The fields due
to arbitrary time-varying sources are obtained adopting a suitable convolu
tion integration.