Some job tasks do not lend themselves to formal on-the-job assessment becau
se they do not occur with sufficient regularity to permit the standardized
measurement required in validational research. The preparation of incident
reports by police and security officers is such a job task. The production
of accurate, literate incident reports is important because these reports a
re often required in legal proceedings. Their standardized evaluation on th
e job is not practical because incidents occur at unpredictable intervals w
ith highly variable content. Given the limitations of on-the-job performanc
e criteria, we developed a standardized work sample by preparing sets of no
n-verbal drawings depicting incidents, each of which required a written des
criptive report by security officers. A total of 187 security officers comp
leted a cognitive and personality test battery and criterion incident repor
ts based on the standardized materials. Reports supported the usefulness of
the standardized work sample, as well as the validity of the test battery
- 100% of participants in the upper quartile of the test score distribution
produced satisfactory reports, while only 17% of those in the lowest quart
ile produced satisfactory incident reports. A number of advantages of struc
tured work samples as criterion measures are noted, including their greater
standardization, the elimination of range restriction problems by administ
ering them to all job candidates, the opportunity to obtain expert evaluati
ons of work samples at remote sites, and their face and content validity re
sulting in acceptability to job candidates and to decision makers.