The SHR-Lx congenic strain carrying a differential segment of chromosome 8
of BN and PD origin was recently shown to exhibit a significant decrease in
blood pressure as compared to the SHR strain. There were two positional ca
ndidate genes for blood pressure control mapped to the differential segment
: the rat kidney epithelial potassium channel gene (Kcnj1) and brain dopami
ne receptor 2 gene (Drd2). Bot these genes were separated into SHR.BN-RNO8
congenic substrains. in this communication, we are presenting the assignmen
t of two further putative candidate genes, which might be involved in blood
pressure control to the BN/PD differential segment of the SHR-Lx congenic
strain. These are: the gene coding for smooth muscle cell specific protein
22 (Sm22) defined by the D8Mcw1 marker and neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine
receptor gene cluster, defined by the D8Bord1 marker. Moreover, the glutam
ate receptor gene Grik4 which also maps to the differential segment of the
SHR-Lx should be taken into account. The genetic separation of all these pu
tative candidate genes of blood pressure control is being performed by reco
mbinations and subsequent selection using (SHRxSHR-Lx) intercross populatio