We examine the predictions of Coulomb failure stress and rate-state frictio
nal models. We study the change in failure time (clock advance) Delta t due
to stress step perturbations (i.e., coseismic static stress increases) add
ed to "background" stressing at a constant rate (i.e., tectonic loading) at
time t(0). The predictability of Delta t implies a predictable change in s
eismicity rate r(t)/r(0), testable using earthquake catalogs, where r(0) is
the constant rate resulting from tectonic stressing. Models of r(t)/r(0),
consistent with general properties of aftershock sequences, must predict an
Omori law seismicity decay rate, a sequence duration that is less than a f
ew percent of the mainshock cycle time and a return directly to the backgro
und rate. A Coulomb model requires that a fault remains locked during loadi
ng, that failure occur instantaneously, and that Delta t is independent of
t(0). These characteristics imply an instantaneous infinite seismicity rate
increase of zero duration. Numerical calculations of r(t)/r(0) for differe
nt state evolution laws show that aftershocks occur on faults extremely clo
se to failure at the mainshock origin time, that these faults must be "Coul
omb-like," and that the slip evolution law can be precluded. Real aftershoc
k population characteristics also may constrain rate-state constitutive par
ameters; a may be lower than laboratory values, the stiffness may be high,
and/or normal stress may be lower than lithostatic. We also compare Coulomb
and rate-state models theoretically. Rate-state model fault behavior becom
es more Coulomb-like as constitutive parameter a decreases relative to para
meter b. This is because the slip initially decelerates, representing an in
itial healing of fault contacts. The deceleration is more pronounced for sm
aller a, more closely simulating a locked fault. Even when the rate-state D
elta t has Coulomb characteristics, its magnitude may differ by some consta
nt dependent on b. In this case, a rate-state model behaves like a modified
Coulomb failure model in which the failure stress threshold is lowered due
to weakening, increasing the clock advance. The deviation from a non-Coulo
mb response also depends on the loading rate, elastic stiffness, initial co
nditions, and assumptions about how state evolves.