Aim To determine the predictors and risk of increased QT dispersion in the
elderly hypertensive patients.
Methods A 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG), M-mode echocardiography and ambu
latory blood pressure as well as Holter monitoring were performed for 67 pa
tients over 60 years of age with essential hypertension (I and II degrees W
HO). The presence of ischaemic changes on ECG was evaluated based on the Mi
nnesota Code. QT intervals were corrected with Bazett's formulae and QT dis
persion was determined as the difference between maximal and minimal QTc in
tervals. Interventricular septal thickness (IVSTd), left ventricular intern
al diameter (LVDd) and posterior wall thickness (PWTd) were measured and le
ft ventricular mass index (LVMI) was calculated. Subjects were divided acco
rding to the median of QTc dispersion (0.10 s). The differences between gro
ups were assessed using chi-squared and Students's t-test.
Results Subjects with increased QTc dispersion did not differ from those wi
th low QTc dispersion when age, gender and body mass index were analysed. S
imilarly, the average systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and
blood pressure variability were comparable in both groups. The mean QTc in
terval was similar in both groups. In patients with increased QT dispersion
, left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and ischaemic changes on ECG were more
frequently recognized (respectively 41.2 versus 18.2%, P < 0.001; 47.1 ver
sus 21.2%, P < 0.05). Moreover. these subjects presented a significantly gr
eater number of premature ventricular beats (317.1 +/- 665.6 versus 64.88 /- 188.6, P < 0.05) and higher classes of Lown's arrhrythmia scale (classes
III-IV, 23.35% versus 9.1%). LVMI was insignificantly higher in the group
with greater QTc dispersion (165.82 +/- 54.5 versus 145.07 +/- 36.47 g/m(2)
). Other echocardiographic indices of LVH were similar in both groups. On t
he other hand, the analysis of regression indicated positive correlation be
tween the dispersion of QTc interval and thickness of left ventricle walls
(for IVSd - r = 0.37; for PWd - r = 0.31), relative wall thickness (r = 0.2
8) and LVMI (r = 0.28).
Conclusions QTc dispersion is increased in the elderly hypertensive individ
uals, with the presence of LVH and myocardial ischaemia on ECG. These patie
nts are more likely to demonstrate severe ventricular dysrhythmias. J Hyper
tens 2000, 18:461-464 (C) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.