A second-order method is developed for the numerical solution of the initia
l-value problems u'=du/dt=f(1)(u,v), t>0, u(0)=U-0 and v'=dv/dt=f(2)(u,v),
t>0, v(0)=V-0, in which the functions f(1)(u,v)=B+u(2)v-(A+1)u and f(2)(u,v
)=Au-u(2)v, where A and B are positive real constants, are the reaction ter
ms arising from the mathematical modelling of chemical systems such as in e
nzymatic reactions and plasma and laser physics in multiple coupling betwee
n modes. The method is based on three first-order methods for solving u and
v, respectively. In addition to being second-order accurate in space and t
ime, the method is seen to converge to the correct fixed point (U*=B, V*=A/
B) provided 1-A+B(2)greater than or equal to 0. The approach adopted is ext
ended to solve a class of non-linear reaction-diffusion equations in two-sp
ace dimensions known as the "Brusselator" system. The algorithm is implemen
ted in parallel using two processors, each solving a linear algebraic syste
m as opposed to solving non-linear systems, which is often required when in
tegrating non-linear partial differential equations (PDEs).