M. Thoby-brisson et al., The role of the hyperpolarization-activated current in modulating rhythmicactivity in the isolated respiratory network of mice, J NEUROSC, 20(8), 2000, pp. 2994-3005
We examined the role of the hyperpolarization-activated current (I-h) in th
e generation of the respiratory rhythm using a spontaneously active brainst
em slice of mice. This preparation contains the hypoglossus (XII) nucleus,
which is activated in-phase with inspiration and the pre-Botzinger complex
(PBC), the presumed site for respiratory rhythm generation. Voltage-clamp r
ecordings (n = 90) indicate that cesium (Cs) (5 mM) blocked 77.2% of the I-
h current, and ZD 7288 (100 mu M) blocked 85.8% of the Ih current. This blo
ckade increased the respiratory frequency by 161% in Cs and by 150% in ZD 7
288 and increased the amplitude of integrated population activity in the XI
I by 97% in Cs and by 162% in ZD 7288, but not in the PBC (Cs, by 19%; ZD 7
288, by -4.56%). All inspiratory PBC neurons (n = 44) recorded in current c
lamp within the active network revealed a significantly decreased frequency
of action potentials during the interburst interval and an earlier onset o
f inspiratory bursts after I-h current blockade. However, hyperpolarizing c
urrent pulses evoked only in a small proportion of inspiratory neurons (0%
of type I; 29% of type II neurons) a depolarizing sag. Most of the neurons
expressing an I-h current (86%) were pacemaker neurons, which continued to
generate rhythmic bursts after inactivating the respiratory network pharmac
ologically with CNQX alone or with CNQX, AP-5, strychnine, bicuculline, and
carbenoxolone. Cs and ZD 7288 increased the frequency of pacemaker bursts
and decreased the frequency of action potentials between pacemaker bursts.
Our findings suggest that the I-h current plays an important role in modula
ting respiratory frequency, which is presumably mediated by pacemaker neuro