Social disabilities have been described in GHD patients. The aim of this st
udy was to evaluate the social outcome of a group of adult hypopituitary pa
tients diagnosed and treated during childhood. Seventy patients were interv
iewed at a mean age of 25.6 years (range 18-50 yr), They answered a semistr
uctured questionnaire and the Beck Depression Inventory test. Patients were
compared for academic achievement, marital status and employment with the
nearest age sibling. We found high levels of school repeaters, school was o
ften not completed, and around 50% were overprotected by teachers and tease
d by peers, 32% were unemployed, while 58% of those employed work with thei
r families. 80% still live with their parents; only 16% are married and 9%
have children. 44% had no dating experience and 52% had ne never had sexual
intercourse. Depression was common, especially in hypogonadic subjects. Ju
venilization was the most common complaint. We did not found differences in
maximal educational achievements and levels of employment between patients
and siblings, but significantly more married siblings were found. Depressi
on, social isolation and dependent life style were found in GHD patients. A
ppropriate medical and psychological counseling should be included for pati
ents and their families as part of treatment.