Upper-ocean zonal currents in the western equatorial Pacific are remarkably
variable, changing direction both with time and depth. As a part of the Tr
opical Ocean and Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experi
ment, an enhanced monitoring array of moorings measured the upper-ocean vel
ocity, temperature, salinity, and, surface meteorological conditions in the
western equatorial Pacific for two years (March 1992-April 1994). Data fro
m this array are used to evaluate the zonal momentum balance. Although nonl
inear terms (zonal. meridional, and vertical advection) were at times large
, reversing jets were primarily due to an interplay between wind forcing an
d compensating pressure gradients. In the weakly stratified surface layer,
the flow is to a large extent directly forced by local winds. Eastward acce
leration associated with westerly wind bursts and westward accelerations as
sociated with easterly trades lead to frequent reversals in the surface-lay
er flow. However, pressure gradients set up by the wind bursts partially co
mpensate the local wind forcing in the surface layer. Below the surface lay
er, these pressure gradients tend to accelerate the upper-thermocline how i
n a direction opposing the local winds. Consequently, during westerly wind
bursts. a reversing jet structure can develop, with a surface eastward curr
ent overlying a westward intermediate layer flow, overlaying the eastward E
quatorial Undercurrent.