Objective To assess postgraduate education (PGE) for paediatric senior hous
e officers (SHOs) in a single region.
Methods A survey of all paediatric SHOs in the region was undertaken in the
form of a questionnaire and telephone contact. The standard set by the Com
mittee of Postgraduate Medical Deans for SHO education formed the basis for
the questionnaire; there should be (i) a designated educational supervisor
for each SHO, (ii) regular work appraisal and counselling and (iii) 4 h pr
otected teaching per week. Supplementary questions were asked regarding met
hods of teaching and study leave.
Results There was a 92% response rate from SHOs and 90% of SHOs contacted h
ad a named educational supervisor. The mean time for protected teaching per
week was 2.14 h, although this varied widely between centres. There were m
any different teaching methods used and 82% of SHOs had no difficulty in ob
taining study leave. There was a particular problem for those who were work
ing shifts or cross-covering.
Conclusions Our study has shown that paediatric SHOs in Wales are reasonabl
y satisfied with their postgraduate education, although there is considerab
le variation between different units. Several areas have been highlighted w
hich need to be improved if we are to provide SHOs with adequate preparatio
n for the specialist registrar training grade.