An unresolved issue in cortical development concerns the relative contribut
ions of intrinsic and extrinsic factors to the functional specification of
different cortical areas(1-4). Ferrets in which retinal projections are red
irected neonatally to the auditory thalamus(5) have visually responsive cel
ls in auditory thalamus and cortex, form a retinotopic map in auditory cort
ex and have visual receptive field properties in auditory cortex that are t
ypical of cells in visual cortex(5-8.) Here we report that this cross-modal
projection and its representation in auditory cortex can mediate visual be
haviour. When light stimuli are presented in the portion of the visual fiel
d that is 'seen' only by this projection, 'rewired' ferrets respond as thou
gh they perceive the stimuli to be visual rather than auditory. Thus the pe
rceptual modality of a neocortical region is instructed to a significant ex
tent by its extrinsic inputs. In addition, gratings of different spatial fr
equencies can be discriminated by the rewired pathway, although the grating
acuity is lower than that of the normal visual pathway.