Background: Because of the relatively poor results of frontal lobe epilepsy
(FLE) surgery, identification of prognostic factors for surgical outcome i
s of great importance. Methods: To identify predictive factors for FLE surg
ery, we analyzed the data of 61 patients (mean age at surgery 19.2) who had
undergone presurgical evaluation and resective surgery in the frontal lobe
. Postoperative follow-up ranged from 0.5 to 5 years (mean 1.78). Fifty-nin
e patients had MRI-detectable lesions. Histopathologic examination showed d
ysplasia (57.4%), tumor (16.4%), or other lesions (26.2%). Thirty postopera
tively seizure-free patients were compared with 31 non-seizure-free patient
s with respect to clinical history, seizure semiology, EEG and neuroimaging
data, resected area, and postoperative data including histopathology. Resu
lts: Three preoperative and two postoperative variables were related to poo
r outcome: generalized epileptiform discharges, generalized slowing, use of
intracranial electrodes, incomplete resection detected by MRI, and postope
rative epileptiform discharges. The only preoperative factor associated wit
h seizure-free outcome was the absence of generalized EEG signs. Multivaria
te analysis showed that only the absence of generalized EEG signs predicts
the outcome independently. Moreover, the occurrence of a somatosensory aura
, secondarily generalized seizures, and negative MRI was identified as addi
tional independent risk factors for poor surgical results. Conclusions: The
absence of generalized EEG signs is the most predictive variable for a sei
zure-free outcome in FLE surgery. Furthermore, nonlesional MRI, somatosenso
ry aura, and secondarily generalized seizures are risk factors for poor sur
gical results.