Error field induced modes have been a significant concern for next step dev
ices. Experiments on JET, using the lower saddle coils to simulate such fie
lds, have determined the critical scaling dependences of error field sensit
ivity in terms of global plasma parameters, under the conditions most relev
ant to next step operation. These experiments indicate relatively weak toro
idal field scaling for the error field strength required to induce a locked
mode, while confirming the linear density scaling observed on other device
s. Correction of intrinsic errors improves low density access and assists e
nd-of-pulse disruption avoidance. Additional heating studies have shown a s
trong effect of q = 2 rotation on the threshold, but a much weaker dependen
ce on beta and the H mode transition. Error field modes have also led to ne
oclassical tearing modes at appropriate collisionality and beta. Other para
meter dependences have been examined: plasma inductance has a strong effect
, but plasma configuration (limiter or divertor) is less important. Applica
tion of a dimensional scaling constraint enables determination of machine s
ize scaling, which is found to be weak. This leads to the relatively tolera
ble error field sensitivity expected for devices such as ITER FDR. However,
there remain some important questions to be answered about the effects of
rotation on error field sensitivity, and for ITER FDR some means of correct
ion remains prudent.