Objective: To evaluate the national treatment trends for the managemen
t of ductal carcinoma in situ as related to the individual characteris
tics of patients and to the reporting of demographics. Design: Nationa
l Cancer Data Base review. Patients: Patients (N=39 010) who were diag
nosed as having ductal carcinoma in situ between 1985 and 1993. Main O
utcome Measures: Treatment principles, including the use of breast-pre
serving surgery, axillary lymph node dissection, and radiotherapy, as
related to the following variables: age, income level, and ethnicity o
f the patient; the tumor size, grade, and anatomical subsite; year of
diagnosis; geographic location of treatment; and hospital type and cas
eload. Results: During the 8 years of analysis, the use of breast pres
ervation therapy increased from 31% to 54%. Treatment selection varied
to some degree with each of the variables examined. Tumors with favor
able sizes and grades were associated with increased rates of breast p
reservation and lower rates of axillary lymph node dissection and radi
otherapy utilization. Overall, only 45% of the patients who were treat
ed with breast preservation received adjuvant radiotherapy. However, d
uring this study, radiotherapy utilization increased from 38% to 54%.
Axillary lymph node dissection was performed in 49% of the patients wi
th a 12% reduction in use over time. Conclusions: Breast-preserving su
rgery now accounts for more than half of all cases of ductal carcinoma
in situ followed by the National Cancer Data Base. However, there sti
ll remains an inappropriately high rate of axillary lymph node dissect
ion and a low rate of radiotherapy utilization. Clinical trial results
and professional education should continue to optimize the management
of patients with ductal carcinoma in situ.