Results are presented from the 3-D non-local electromagnetic turbulence cod
e BOUT and the linearized shooting code BAL for studies of turbulence in to
kamak boundary plasmas and its relationship to the GH transition, in a real
istic divertor plasma geometry. The key results include: (1) the identifica
tion of the dominant resistive X point mode in divertor geometry; (2) turbu
lence suppression in the L-H transition by shear in the E x B drift velocit
y, ion diamagnetism and finite polarization; (3) the fact that calculated v
alues of the thermal diffusivities such as Xi are comparable to those infer
red from the experimentally measured plasma density and temperature profile
s. On the basis of simulation results, a parameterization of the transport
is given that includes the dependence on the relevant physical parameters.