Background: Cystosarcoma phylloides is a rare, mostly benign tumor of the b
reast. in most cases curative treatment is possible with complete surgical
excision of the lesions. However. there is a high local recurrence rate up
to 46%. There are only few reported successful treatments with radiotherapy
in cystosarcoma phylloides. Radiotherapy is indicated in patients with loc
oregional recurrent disease and those with symptomatic metastases.
Patient: We present a case of a 54-year-old woman with a painless mass in t
he right breast. Clinical examination showed a large. firm tumor and axilla
ry lymph node metastases. The patient underwent mastectomy and axillary lym
ph node dissection. Histopathology showed a cystosarcoma phylloides measuri
ng 30 x 25 x 15 cm as well as lymph node metastases measuring 9.5 cm. Despi
te a R-0 resection the patient developed 4 thoracic wall recurrences within
2 years. At 18 months there were additional multiple pulmonary and pleural
lesions with a maximum diameter of 6.5 cm. Subsequently the patient receiv
ed polychemotherapy. There was a significant response of the thoracic wall
disease as well as of the pulmonary and pleural lesions. Six months later t
here was further progress of the thoracic wall disease and the pulmonary le
sions. Following this the patient underwent radiation therapy of her right
thoracic wall with 50 Gy which lead clinically to a quick response. For the
past 5 months there has been no evidence of thoracic wall disease recurren
Conclusion: This is an unusual case of cystosarcoma phylloides and response
to different that therapeutic modalities. Cystosarcoma phylloides showed t
o be a radiosensitive tumor. Thus postoperative radiation therapy is indica
ted to prevent local recurrences.