The title compound, C36H44N6O4+. 2Cl(-). 2ClO(4)(-). 0.132H(2)O, is shown t
o be protonated at all the pyridine N atoms; the two chloride ions are hydr
ogen bonded to three pyridine N atoms and to the phenolic O atom of the sam
e cation [Cl ... N = 3.045 (2)-3.131 (2) Angstrom and Cl ... O = 2.938 (2)
Angstrom], and the remaining pyridine N atom is hydrogen bonded to the phen
olic O atom [N ... O = 2.861 (2) Angstrom]. The mean value of the C-N-C ang
le of the protonated pyridine rings is 123.4(1)degrees. which is significan
tly larger than that found for unprotonated pyridine rings.