Background and Aims: Computed tomography (CT) is still widely used in the s
taging of patients with carcinoma of the oesophagus. The aim of the study w
as to evaluate the dianostic accuracy of CT in a series of patients with ca
rcinoma of the oesophagus or the cardia. Results were compared with finding
s at surgery or autopsy.
Material and Methods: 47 consecutive patients of whom 30 underwent operatio
n while 17 patients were not candidates for surgery due to advanced disease
Results: Demonstration of tumour invasion on CT in 30 patients who underwen
t operation had an accuracy of 63 %, a nosographic sensitivity of 10 % and
a specificity of 90 %. Diagnosis of metastases to abdominal lymph nodes had
an accuracy of 57 %, and a nosographic sensitivity and specificity of resp
ectively 37 % and 90 %. The assessment of tumour invasion and metastases to
lymph nodes in patients not candidates for surgery was expectedly more acc
urate (100 and 67 %, respectively, in nine autopsies).
Conclusion: CT may provide valuable information in pretherapeutic staging o
f oesophageal cancer by identifying patients with advanced disease, who are
not candidates for surgery. In patients without signs of dissemination on
CT additional information may be obtained from endoscopic ultrasonography a
nd laparoscopy.