Context.-Laboratory quality indicator data, most often presented and report
ed as a percentage of variance, may be misleading, inasmuch as variances, a
nd therefore percentages, appear to be low.
Method.-Current data from laboratory quality indicators and national data d
erived from several years of College of American Pathologists Q-Probes stud
ies were normalized to parts-per-million defects, as commonly practiced in
the manufacturing and service industries for benchmarking performance.
Results.-Laboratory data in parts-per-million defects demonstrated opportun
ities for significant improvements in laboratory performance across the tot
al testing process;
Conclusions.-Historical quality assurance programs do not appear to be sign
ificantly improving the total testing process. Manufacturing and service in
dustries are using quality systems strategies, such as ISO 9000 and the Bal
dridge Award Criteria, to effect improvements in both productivity and cost
. Quality system solutions for performance improvement may provide a system
atic approach to improving laboratory performance.