The myelocele that usually affects the lumbar and sacral segments of the sp
inal cord occurs from the 4th week of the development of the embryo due to
the failure of neural tube to close. While the dorsal horns of the spinal c
ord are absent, the motoneurons of the ventral horns develop and their axon
s grow to the periphery. The neural fibers of the spinal ganglia also take
part on the peripheral nerves. The neural cells and fibers of the spinal ga
nglia arise from the neural crest independently on the neural tube, but the
ir afferent connections to the spinal cord cannot be realized from the reas
on of myelocele. The result is a weak paralysis, a loss of sensibility and
the trophic breakdowns. Therapeutically, it is possible to correct the spin
al cord defect by a transplantation of embryonic neural tissue to replace t
he missing dorsal spinal horns.