We recorded the times of flowering, fruiting, and leafing for ten native ca
nopy and subcanopy trees and shrubs (monthly from December 1994 through Dec
ember 1997) in a montane cloud forest with relatively aseasonal rainfall on
the island of Maul, Hawaii. These species represented the great majority o
f individual woody plants at the sits. Flowers and fruits were available in
the community year-round: however, all species exhibited annual patterns o
f flowering, and four species showed annual patterns of fruiting while the
rest fruited in supra-annual patterns. Many species had protracted flowerin
g or fruiting perks, and some bore small numbers of Rowers or fruit year-ro
und. Most species Glowered in a monthly peak mainly between May and August,
corresponding to the period of greatest solar irradiance and marginally hi
gher temperatures. Fruit ripening followed at varying intervals. In contras
t, the heaviest flowering occurred between November and March, resulting fr
om bloom of the dominant tree, Metrosideros polymorpha. At the highest elev
ations, Metrosideros flowering was heaviest during September, but peak flow
ering of lower elevation trees occurred in late fall and winter. Two forms
of this species differed in their temporal and spatial patterns of flowerin
g. For M. polymorpha var. polymorpha and var. incana bloom peaked annually
between November and January; however, For M. polymorpha var. glaberrima, f
lowering peaked from April through July, with an earlier secondary peak in