One soliton of particle velocity and its amplitude (maximum particle veloci
ty of one soliton) in Toda lattice is given analytically It has also been k
nown numerically that the maximum particle velocity (when the collision of
two solitons reaches their maximum, we define V-n at this time as its maxim
um particle velocity) during the collision of two solitons moving in the sa
me direction is equal to the difference between the amplitudes of two solit
ons if the difference is large enough; however, the maximum particle veloci
ty is equal to the adding up of the amplitudes of two solitons moving in th
e opposite directions. The relationship between the maximum value of e(-rn)
-1 and their initial amplitude of e(-rn) - 1 is also given analytically in
Toda lattice if the amplitudes of the two solitons are the same and their m
oving directions are opposite. Compared with the Boussinesq equation, there
are differences between the Toda lattice equation and the Boussinesq equat
ion for solitons during the collision.