A 21-year old man with marked developmental delay was referred for the diag
nosis of myoclonic jerks (MI), which were sometimes responsible for sudden
falls without loss of consciousness, that had begun 2 years before, and for
a recent generalized tonic-clonic seizure preceded by a cluster of MJ. Phy
sical examination revealed a small stature, bilateral pyramidal signs, seve
re mental retardation, and retinis pigmentosa. Etiological factors for this
encephalopathy were not found (muscle and skin biopsies, karyotype and ext
ensive blood chemistry). Waking interictal EEC showed a normal background a
ctivity and generalized poly-spike-and wave (PSW) discharges. Photic stimul
ation disclosed a marked photoparoxysmal response, sometimes associated wit
h myoclonic jerks. Three spontaneous jerks accompanied by a burst of genera
lized PSW were recorded on awakening from a nap. The MRI disclosed wide ven
tricles, a thin corpus callosum, brainstem atrophy and a so-called "redunda
nt gyration"; these changes were evocative of acquired perinatal damage. Ju
venile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) was diagnosed and valproate was started res
ulting in complete control of seizures. During a 5-year follow-up, the pati
ent has remained seizure-free and the EEG consistently normal. In our opini
on, JME can be diagnosed in very uncommon settings, including patients with
significant brain damage, as long as all the other criteria for the diagno
sis are present.