The amino acid sequence of the transformer (tra) gene exhibits an extremely
rapid rate of evolution among Drosophila species, although the gene perfor
ms a critical step in sex determination. These changes in amino acid sequen
ce are the result of either natural selection or neutral evolution. To diff
erentiate between selective and neutral causes of this evolutionary. change
, analyses of both intraspecific and interspecific patterns of molecular ev
olution of tra gene sequences are presented. Sequences of 31 tra alleles we
re obtained from Drosophila americana. Many replacement and silent nucleoti
de variants are present among the alleles; however, the distribution of thi
s sequence variation is consistent with neutral evolution. Sequence evoluti
on was also examined among six species representative of the genus Drosophi
la. For most lineages and most regions of the gene, bath silent and replace
ment substitutions have accumulated in a constant, clock-like manner. In ex
on 3 of D. virilis and D. americana we find evidence for an elevated rate o
f nonsynonymous substitution, but no statistical support for a greater rate
of nonsynonymous relative to synonymous substitutions. Both levels of anal
ysis of the tra sequence suggest that, although the gene is evolving at a r
apid pace, these changes are neutral in function.