The application of genetic techniques to invertebrate fisheries is in many
ways essentially similar to that in vertebrate (i.e. finfish) fisheries, fo
r which there is already an extensive body of published data. However, ther
e are also relative differences which lead to particular problems in the us
e of genetic data to study commercially important invertebrate species. The
main role for genetics of both vertebrates and invertebrates has been, and
is likely to continue to be, the identification of groups of interbreeding
individuals as the basis for a fishery. It is in the identification of the
breeding unit that the genetic differences between vertebrates and inverte
brates can be of practical significance. The genetic breeding unit, usually
called a 'stock' in fisheries biology, generally shows a certain uniformit
y of size in most marine fish which have been studied. Smaller or less mobi
le fish (e.g. flatfish) may only range a few tens of kilometres to their br
eeding grounds, whilst in more mobile, particularly migratory pelagic speci
es (e.g. Scombridae), the area occupied by a stock is likely to be far grea
ter and for a few (e.g. large pelagic elasmobranchs), a single unit of stoc
k may be almost circumglobal. However, marine fish generally, particularly
those large or plentiful enough to be of commercial interest, are likely to
be fairly mobile and in many cases the order of mobility is likely to be i
n the region we might predict from our knowledge of the biology and habits
of the species. In the genetic assessment of 'stocks' for invertebrate fish
eries, we face a number of additional problems, mostly related to the large
evolutionary range of invertebrates exploited and their widely different b
iology. Although in Europe and North America marine invertebrate fisheries
may be thought of as being mainly for decapod crustaceans and bivalve mollu
scs, globally commercially important marine invertebrate fisheries range fr
om sponges to squid and include such diverse groups as sea cucumbers, barna
cles, krill, octopuses, cuttlefish, sea anemones, ascidians, polychaetes, s
ea urchins, gastropods and jellyfish. An obvious feature of many of these i
nvertebrates is that the adult (i.e. commercial) stage of the life cycle is
sessile (e.g. barnacles, sponges, ascidians) or of very limited mobility (
e.g. sea anemones, sea urchins, bivalves, gastropods), with the result that
the dispersive phase of the life cycle is the larva. Other groups (e.g. kr
ill, jellyfish) are planktonic or nektonic and may cover very large distanc
es, but, unlike fish, have little control over the distance or direction of
travel, whilst some of the open ocean pelagic squid are more mobile than m
ost fish and may migrate thousands or kilometres to spawning grounds. The v
ery low mobility of both larva and adult in some invertebrates indicates th
at dispersal, and hence stock size, is likely to be low and that, therefore
, stocks are far more vulnerable to overfishing than in most fish species.
An additional difficulty is that genetic studies to date indicate a remarka
bly high incidence of cryptic speciation in marine invertebrates, sometimes
even in comparatively well studied commercially important species. Thus, a
lthough to date marine invertebrate fisheries have not received the same le
vel of attention from geneticist as finfish fisheries, it is clear that for
invertebrate fisheries genetic data are relatively far more important if a
fishery is to be exploited without being endangered.