With the emergence of a variety of mobile data services with variable cover
age, bandwidth, and handoff strategies, and the need for mobile terminals t
o roam among these networks, handoff in hybrid data networks has attracted
tremendous attention. This article presents an overview of issues related t
o handoff with particular emphasis on hybrid mobile data networks. Issues a
re logically divided into architectural and handoff decision lime algorithm
s. The handoff architectures in high-speed local coverage IEEE 802.11 wirel
ess LANs, and low-speed wide area coverage
CDPD and GPRS mobile data networks are described and compared. A survey of
traditional algorithms and an example of an advanced algorithm using neural
networks for HO decision time in homogeneous networks are presented. The H
O architectural issues related to hybrid networks are discussed through an
example of a hybrid network that employs GPRS and IEEE 802.11. Five archite
ctures for the example hybrid network, based on emulation of GPRS entities
within the WLAN, mobile IP, a virtual access point, and a mobility gateway
(proxy), are described and compared. The mobility gateway and mobile IP app
roaches are selected for more detailed discussion. The differences in apply
ing a complex algorithm for HO decision time in a homogeneous and a hybrid
network are shown through an example.