The physiological function of the liver - such as removal of pathogens and
antigens from the blood, protein synthesis and metabolism - requires an imm
une response that is adapted to these tasks and is locally regulated. Patho
genic microorganisms must be efficiently eliminated while the large number
of antigens derived from the gastrointestinal tract must be tolerized. From
experimental observations it is evident that the liver favours the inducti
on of tolerance rather than the induction of immunity. The liver probably n
ot only is involved in transplantation tolerance but contributes as well to
tolerance to orally ingested antigens (entering the liver with portal-veno
us blood) and to containment of systemic immune responses (antigen from the
systemic circulation entering the liver with arterial blood). This review
summarizes the experimental data that shed light on the molecular mechanism
s and the cell populations of the liver involved in local immune regulation
in the liver.
Although hepatocytes constitute the major cell population of the liver, dir
ect interaction of hepatocytes with leukocytes in the blood is unlikely. Si
nusoidal endothelial cells, which line the hepatic sinusoids and separate h
epatocytes from leukocytes in the sinusoidal lumen, and Kupffer cells, the
resident macrophage population of the liver, can directly interact with pas
senger leukocytes. In the liver, clearance of antigen from the blood occurs
mainly by sinusoidal endothelial cells through very efficient receptor-med
iated endocytosis. Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells constitutively expres
s all molecules necessary for antigen presentation (CD54, CD80, CD86, MHC c
lass I and class II and CD40) and can function as antigen-presenting cells
for CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. Thus, these cells probably contribute to hep
atic immune surveillance by activation of effector T cells. Antigen-specifi
c T-cell activation is influenced by the local microenvironment. This micro
environment is characterized by the physiological presence of bacterial con
stituents such as endotoxin and by the local release of immunosuppressive m
ediators such as interleukin-10, prostaglandin Fl and transforming growth f
Different hepatic cell populations may contribute in different ways to tole
rance induction in the liver. In vitro experiments revealed that naive T ce
lls are activated by resident sinusoidal endothelial cells but do not diffe
rentiate into effector T cells. These T cells show a cytokine profile and a
functional phenotype that is compatible with the induction of tolerance. B
esides sinusoidal endothelial cells, other cell populations of the liver, s
uch as dendritic cells, Kupffer cells and perhaps also hepatocytes, may con
tribute to tolerance induction by deletion of T cells through induction of