Background: Hallway medicine is an integral part of physicians' medical cul
ture, but little is known about it.
Objective: To characterize the practice of hallway medicine among hospital
physicians, both as providers and consumers.
Methods: We conducted a survey of 112 randomly chosen hospital physicians a
t the Soroka Medical Center in Beer Sheva, Israel between November 1997 and
May 1998, A self-administered 39-item questionnaire was used that included
sociodemographic data, the extent to which hallway medicine is practiced,
and satisfaction from and attitudes to it.
Results: Of the 112 selected physicians, 111 responded (99.1%). Of these, 9
1 (82%) had been asked by their colleagues to provide hallway medicine. Mos
t of them (91%) agreed because of "willingness to help," because "it's unpl
easant to refuse," or "it's the acceptable thing to do." Most of the reques
ts (72%) were unscheduled and time consuming (41% up to 10 minutes and 21%
more than 20 minutes). Records were kept in only 36% of the cases and follo
w-up in 62%. Physicians who provided hallway medicine were also consumers o
f it (P<0.001), based on personal acquaintance, time saved and easy accessi
bility. In general, the attitude to hallway medicine was negative (54%) or
ambiguous (37%). Most requests for hallway medicine were made to Israeli-tr
ained physicians, surgeons or gynecologists, and senior physicians.
Conclusions: Hallway medicine is practiced frequently among hospital physic
ians. A formal organization of health care service within medical centers m
ight provide physicians with better medical care and reduce potential ethic
al, medical, legal, psychosocial and economic problems.