Purpose: Maximal fertilization rates following ICSI were assessed using two
essential steps: immobilization of sperm and aspiration of oocyte cytoplas
Methods: ICSI procedure was performed for couples (N = 42) in whom the male
suffered severe infertility or failure of fertilization in previous IVF cy
cle using different oocyte cytoplasmic aspiration and sperm immobilization
methods. Outcome in four patient groups was measured by oocyte damage, fert
ilization rate, and pregnancy rate.
Results: Maximal fertilization (90%) were achieved from the group which use
d immobilization of sperm by hard-touching the tail with a pipette and opti
mal aspiration of oocyte cytoplasm.
Conclusions: The results suggest that if the immobilization of sperm and as
piration of oocyte cytoplasm are handled right during ICSI, this procedure
can be expected to yield a 90% fertilization rate.