Objectives-To compare the effects of a worksite intervention by the occupat
ional physician offering simple advice of smoking cessation with a more act
ive strategy of advice including a "quit date" and extra support.
Population-Employees of an electrical and gas company seen at the annual vi
sit by their occupational physicians.
Criteria end points-Smoking point prevalence defined as the percentage of s
mokers who were non-smokers at one year. Secondary criteria were the percen
tage of smokers who stopped smoking for more than six months and the differ
ence in prevalence of smoking in both groups.
Methods-Randomised controlled trial. The unit of randomisation was the work
site physician and a random sample of the employees of whom he or she was
in charge. The length of the follow up was one year. Each of 30 work site p
hysicians included in the study 100 to 150 employees.
Results-Among 504 subjects classified as smokers at baseline receiving simp
le advice (group A) and 591 the more active programme (group B), 68 (13.5%)
in group A and 109 (18.4%) were nonsmokers one year later (p=0.03; p=0.01
taking the occupational physician as the statistical unit and using a nonpa
rametric test). Twenty three subjects (4.6%) in group A and 36 (6.1%) in gr
oup B (p=0.26) declared abstinence of six months or more. Among non-smokers
at baseline, 3.4% in both groups were smokers after one year follow up. Th
e prevalence of smokers did not differ significantly at baseline (32.9% and
32.4%, p=0.75). After the intervention the prevalence of smoking was 30.8%
in group A and 28.7% in group B (p=0.19). An increase of the mean symptoms
score for depression in those who quit was observed during this period.
Conclusions-A simple cessation intervention strategy during a mandatory ann
ual examination, targeting a population of smokers independently of their m
otivation to stop smoking or their health status, showed a 36% relative inc
rease of the proportion of smokers who quit smoking as compared with what c
an be achieved through simple advice.