Seven microsatellite markers identified by probing clones made from a
honeybee population from Victoria, Australia with a GA oligonucleotide
are polymorphic in collections of honeybees from Iberia. Five of the
microsatellites are GA repeats (three perfect repeats, two imperfect r
epeats, and one interrupted perfect repeat); of two others found in (G
A)(n)-containing clones, one is a perfect AT repeat and one a mononucl
eotide T repeat. A further perfect GA repeat is monomorphic in the Ibe
rian bees. Primer sequences are given for each of these microsatellite
s, and for seven others either not amplifying or giving multiple bands
under the conditions used, or which were not tested. In all, eighteen
microsatellites were found in twelve clones. One clone contained a mi
nisatellite repeat, not assayed for polymorphism.