A bovine mammary gland cDNA-library was used to characterize and map genes
expressed during lactation. Fifty cDNA clones selected by differential hybr
idization were sequenced from both ends, and sequences were examined for si
milarities with database sequences. For 34 of the transcripts, the sequence
s showed more than 80% similarity to previously characterized genes or expr
essed sequence tags (ESTs). Twenty cDNAs chat could be of interest as candi
date genes for milk production are selected for genetic or chromosomal mapp
ing. Twenty; three out of the 39 designed primer pairs representing 16 cDNA
clones amplified the expected fragments and were used for subsequent fluor
escent single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis (F-SSCP) in the Int
ernational Bovine Reference panel families (IBRP). Ten polymorphic loci cou
ld be identified and used to genotype the IBRP animals, and nine of them we
re subsequently genetically mapped on nine chromosomes, in addition, eight
loci from the 16 cDNA clones could be mapped by somatic cell hybrids, bring
ing the total number of mapped genes to 16, one of which was mapped genetic
ally as well as physically. The mapped mammary gland ESTs are potentially u
seful for cloning economic trait loci by a positional candidate gene clonin
g approach.