Foliculogenesis in three Polish White Goats was studied daily during their
breeding season, from September to November. Animals were kept in natural d
aylight, oestrus behavior was detected twice a day with a vasectomized buck
. Daily examinations were performed during four sequential oestrus cycles u
sing transrectal ultrasonic imaging. The wave was defined as a group of fol
licles which start to grow simultaneously and give origin to one or more fo
llicles > 5 mm in diameter. The mean interovulatory interval was 20.4 days.
The mean number of waves was five, but only follicles that grow > 4 mm hav
e a wave pattern of growth, Emergence of smaller follicles was a continuum,
The mean rate of growth of the largest follicles was 0.8 mm per day. The m
aximum diameter of the largest follicles in nonovulatory waves was 6.2, and
was bigger in the ovulatory wares: 7 mm (P < 0.05). There was a highly sig
nificant difference between the two largest follicles in the ware. However,
only in 53 % of waves there was a divergence, which is typical for dominat
ion phenomenon in cattle. Therefore the mechanism and even occurrence of do
minance is still unclear in goats.