With the decrease of mortality rates and establishment of new therapeutic r
egimes in intensive care medicine and oncology during the last decade,we se
e an increase of patients developing a systemic capillary leak syndrome. Th
e described symptoms represent consequences of the loss of capillary fluids
to third space by increased permeability. The patients present with genera
lized edema, pleural or pericardial effusion, ascites, weight gain, tachyca
rdia, hypotension, and prerenal failure. Whereas the idiopathic episodic fo
rm (Clarkson disease) is rare in children, the symptomatic forms triggered
by systemic inflammatory response is seen more frequently in children than
in adults. Therapy: Treatment of systemic capillary leak syndrome is empiri
c and supportive. The main specific therapeutic goat is to stop the cause o
f inflammation,whenever possible. Additional treatment are catecholamines a
nd volume replacement for stabilization of blood pressure, mechanical venti
lation and dialysis. Specific therapeutic regimes have not yet been investi
gated in controlled studies.