Dual atrioventricular nodal (DA VN) physiology has been reported in up to 6
3% of pediatric patients with anatomically normal hearts, yet atrioventricu
lar nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) accounts for only 13%-16% of suprav
enticular tachycardia (SVT) in childhood. The incidence of AVNRT increases
with age and becomes the most common form of SVT by adolescence. We investi
gated the age related electrophysiological responses to programmed atrial a
nd Ventricular stimulation in 14 pediatric patients who underwent intracard
iac electrophysiological study prior to radiofrequency catheter ablation fo
r AVNRT and who exhibited DAVN physiology. Single atrial and ventricular ex
trastimuli were placed following drive trains with cycle lengths of 400-700
ms and 350-500 ms, respectively. Six children (mean age 8.2 years, range 5
.2-11.5 years) were compared to eight adolescents (mean age 16.6 years, ran
ge 13.3-20.7 years). Adolescents were found to have a significantly longer
fast pathway effective refractory period (ERP) (median 375 vs 270 ms, P = 0
.03), slow pathway ERP (median 270 vs 218 ms, P = 0.04), atrio-Hisian (AH)
during AVNRT (median 300 vs 225 ms, P = 0.007), and AVNRT cycle length (med
ian 350 vs 290ms, P = 0.03). There was a strong trend for the AH measured a
t the fast pathway ERP to be longer in adolescents than in children (median
258 vs 198 ms, P = 0.055). The AH at the fast pathway ERP was more strongl
y correlated with baseline cycle length than with age (r = 0.7, P = 0.01 vs
r = 0.5, p = 0.7). There was no significant difference in the retrograde V
A conduction between adolescents and children. These results demonstrate an
age related difference in AV nodal response to programmed atrial stimuli i
n pediatric patients with DAVN physiology and AVNRT. These differences are
consistent with mechanisms that may explain the increased incidence of AVNR
T in adolescents compared to children.