We compared the invasibility of riparian plant communities high on river ba
nks with those on floodplain floors for four South African rivers. Analyses
of abundant and significant riparian species showed that the floors have 3
.1 times more exotic plants than the banks. The percent exotics ranges from
5% to 11% of total species richness for the banks, and from 20% to 30% for
the floors. Species richness and percent exotics are negatively correlated
for the banks, but not correlated for the floors.
Despite great differences in climate, species richness, and landuse history
, the percentages of exotic plants in three rivers in the Pacific Northwest
of the USA and one river in southwestern France are similar to those in So
uth Africa (24-30% vs. 20-30%, respectively). Furthermore, the high proport
ions of exotic species in these riparian plant communities are comparable t
o those reported for vascular plant communities on islands. We conclude tha
t the macro-channel floor regions of the riparian zones of South African ri
vers are highly vulnerable to invasion by exotic vascular plants.