There are few reports on cryptococcal meningitis in non-HIV-infected patien
ts in subtropical areas. We reviewed 94 non-HIV-infected patients microbiol
ogically diagnosed with cryptococcal meningitis and hospitalized at Nationa
l Taiwan University Hospital, 1977-1996. Forty-two patients (44.7%) had und
erlying diseases. The main initial manifestations were headache (86.2%), vo
miting (72.3%) and fever (69.1%). The 30 patients with T-cell suppression h
ad more acute illnesses (median duration of symptoms: 14 days vs. 29 days),
less typical presentations of meningitis, and reduced inflammatory respons
es compared with the 64 without T cell suppression. There was no statistica
l difference between patients who received amphotericin B treatment for 10
weeks and those received amphotericin B with subsequent fluconazole treatme
nt, in terms of mortality rate and recurrence rate. Seventy-five patients (
79.8%) had satisfactory clinical responses, and two relapsed. Eighteen pati
ents died (19.1%) and 10 of these died within 2 weeks of hospitalization. P
atients in this series had outcomes comparable with those from temperate an
d even tropical countries with high percentages of immunocompetent hosts. F
actors significantly associated with death were lymphoma, semicoma, leukocy
tosis, and initial high titres of cryptococcal antigen in cerebral spinal f
luid (especially greater than or equal to 1:512). On multivariate analysis,
lymphoma and initial high cryptococcal antigen titres were independent pre
dictors of mortality.