A backbone model of a 10-subunit yeast RNA polymerase II has been derived f
rom x-ray diffraction data extending to 3 angstroms resolution. All 10 subu
nits exhibit a high degree of identity with the corresponding human protein
s, and 9 of the 10 subunits are conserved among the three eukaryotic RNA po
lymerases I, II, and III. Notable features of the model include a pair of j
aws, formed by subunits Rpb1, Rpb5, and Rpb9, that appear to grip DNA downs
tream of the active center. A clamp on the DNA nearer the active center, fo
rmed by Rpb1, Rpb2, and Rpb6, may be Locked in the closed position by RNA,
accounting for the great stability of transcribing complexes. A pore in the
protein complex beneath the active center may allow entry of substrates fo
r polymerization and exit of the transcript during proofreading and passage
through pause sites in the DNA.