We calculate the reflectance anisotropy for GaP(001)(2x4) surfaces using a
real-space multigrid method and ab initio pseudopotentials. Our results obt
ained within DFT-LDA show good qualitative agree ment with recent experimen
ts. This holds in particular for the stoichiometric trends. A strong negati
ve anisotropy at low photon energies is linked to the formation of Ga-Ga bo
nds along the [110] direction. There are discrepancies, however, with respe
ct to the line shape and the energetic positions of characteristic peaks. S
ubstantial improvement is achieved by using a numerically efficient GW appr
oach with approximations for local-field effects and dynamical screening. W
e find that the spectral features related to transitions between surface pe
rturbed bulk wave functions are more strongly affected by self-energy corre
ctions than anisotropies directly linked to surface electronic states.