Research indicates that being incarcerated adversely affects overall health
status. Because HIV-infection is a growing problem among the U.S. prison p
opulation, understanding how incarceration affects HIV-related survival hol
ds particular clinical and public health relevance. Moreover, while the pro
gnostic roles of CD4 and CD8 lymphocyte count have been well documented in
noninstitutionalized populations, little is known about how these factors o
perate to predict survival among prison populations. The present study exam
ined immunologic determinants of HIV-related survival in a cohort of 752 Te
xas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) inmates who were treated for HIV/
AIDS between 1993 and 1996 at a large southwestern medical center. Survival
analysis using proportional hazards modeling showed that: (1) the prognost
ic role of CD4 count among inmates was similar to previous findings among n
onincarcerated populations; (2) the prognostic role of CD8 count was slight
ly weaker than that previously reported for nonincarcerated populations; an
d (3) inmates who exhibited high levels of both CD4 and CD8 count had a sur
vival advantage over those who had a high score on only one of the two fact