A comprehensive form for the standardised documentation of transgenic roden
ts. genotype, phenotype, welfare assessment, recommendations for refinement
When "creating" transgenic mouse strains it is not possible to predict the
ir phenotype with certainty, particularly not (human) respect to welfare. T
he generation of models for (human) diseases deliberately implies a comprom
ised health ranging from minor (clinically inapparent) to lethal. To ensure
animal welfare requirements and apply the criteria of the 3R, a careful ph
enotype characterisation and welfare assessment has to be done routinely fo
r each newly produced strain, at individual and strain level, starting by t
he standardised monitoring of founders and their consequent generations. A
comprehensive form has been developed for a standardised characterisation o
f transgenic mouse strains. Ir is subdivided into basic and detail informat
ion. It can be kept up to date continuously in the form of a computerised d
atabase, incorporating growing knowledge and experience of the strain. Basi
c information mainly, serves the requirements of housing and breeding facil
ities as well as the authorities in view of animal welfare measures, detail
information mainly serves the interests of research and efficiency.